
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Dec 22, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Jeffrey Gurian & Trixx
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Show Opens with the guys all realizing they all survived Covid-19, but Jeffrey had it bad & if it wasn't for a thin curtain separating him from his hospital roommate from Wuhan, he may not have made it. Then the guys discuss the difference between appeasing your audience & doing your own thing on stage. The importance of fighting for what you want and being undeniable. Jeffrey says, New York City is a ghost town. Did you hear Tom Cruise's rant? & How about them hallucinogenics
The News is a Joke
"North Carolina fraternity members, students allegedly trafficked $1.5M in drugs", "US judge says parents owe son over trashed porn collection", "Italian woman mauled to death by five pet Czechoslovakian wolfdogs", "Woman's 34O boobs 'won't stop growing' leaving her in constant back pain", "Illegal winery found at Alabama wastewater plant", & "Man Is Jailed After Taking Jet Ski Across Irish Sea to See Girlfriend"
Thanks for Listening

Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Dec 15, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Tommy Savitt & James Yon
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; Winning & Losing comedy contest, Trigger Words in Comedy, Dougie either pulled his groin or popped a hernia & James & Tommy share their most recent painful experiences, Worst memory of past Christmases, Will Facebook Survive? Is a Big Screen TV ever too big? & Tommy claims "The Red Zone" is "Crack"
The News is a Joke
"Woman dies after dropping iPhone in bath while it was charging", "Chinese “iron crotch” kung fu masters fight to preserve a painful-looking tradition", "China recommends flight attendants wear diapers", "Drugs recalled after 'mix-up' packages depression medication and erectile dysfunction drug together", "Breakdancing gets Olympic status to debut at Paris in 2024", "Those naughty Santa cookies are selling out fast at Minnesota Target stores", "Taking the drug Ecstasy appears to help solve marriage problems, scientists discover", "Porch pirate steals bait box filled with cat poop", & "Covid 19 coronavirus: Santa Claus infects dozens at Belgium aged-care home"
Thanks for Listening!

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Dec 8, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Eddie Brill & DJ Sandhu
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; Will comedy clubs survive in New York & California? Will you take the Covid-19 vaccine? Japan brings back material from an asteroid & Are aliens sharing the Earth with humans?
The News is a Joke
"Escaped sheep wanders into hotel, waits for elevator", "Namibia: Man named after Adolf Hitler wins local election", "Woman killed husband, then stabbed own vagina to claim self-defense’, "Ultra-conservative MP leaps from window as Belgian police raid orgy for breaking Covid rules", "Relationship breakdown at potters' association over dildo workshop", "Phallic landmark statue in Germany mysteriously disappears; police investigating", & "A man grabbed a 350-pound bear by the throat and punched it in the face to save his pitbull dog from an attack"
Thanks For Listening!

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Dec 1, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Jen Hellman & Rick Overton
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Show Opens with Dougie & Jen welcoming special guest, Rick Overton! Listen in as they discuss such things as; Ghost in the Machine, Screw the 1%, Did you see the Mike Tyson Roy Jones Jr. fight? Dave Chappel asks us not to watch "The Chappelle Show", & congrats to Sarah Fuller for becoming the first woman to play in a Power 5 College football game.
Word of the Day "Pedant"
Straight From the Headlines
"Fuggedaboutit: Austrian village named 'F---ing' to change name after unwanted tourist attention", "Hackensack Board Member Who Opposed LGBTQ Curriculum Resigns After Embarrassing Zoom Incident", "Belgian Town Goes Viral for Installing Phallic-shaped Christmas Lights, Mayor Issues Apology", "Oregon Man Sues Doctor Who Was Allegedly Having an Affair With His Wife", "An American tourist who stole and inscribed a note on a shard of ancient Roman marble mailed it back to Italy, apologizing for being an 'a--hole', & "British Airways investigating reports stewardess is offering sexual services between flights", & "Detained 'drug smuggler' cat escapes Sri Lanka prison"
Thanks for Listening

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Nov 24, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Marc Yaffee & Dale Jones
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Show Opens with Dougie, Marc, & Dale reminiscing all being together at the 2015 Laughlin Laughfest...Then share their thoughts on the Metallic Monolith discovered in Utah... Big Plans of Thanksgiving? Dale lived in a plush two story double wide trailer, growing up... Pope gets caught liking woman booty photo... The guys share personal embarrassing moments from their past...& Today's Word of the Day "Bumfuzzle"
Straight From the Headlines
"They had sex off a Florida highway in the middle of the day. Passing drivers interrupted", "Dry mouth no more? Scientists develop artificial saliva to relieve cottonmouth", "Colorado park bathroom wins 'America's best restroom' contest", "Wife blows thousands on vet bills after husband blames his farts on the dog", "NYC 'sex club' busted after not following rules on mass gatherings", & "Brit who caught Covid, malaria & dengue fever in India now fighting to recover from deadly COBRA bite"
Thanks for Listening

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Nov 10, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Jeff Shaw & James Camacho
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on; Comedy Contest Strategies & your content, Differences between regional audiences & adapting your material to those differences, Who will take over for Alex Trebek on Jeopardy?, Dealing with our relationships, with our significant others, & Is Blue Balls an actual medical issue?
"Make it Funny" Stories
"A Doctor was Duped Into Buying a Wish-Granting ‘Aladdin’s Magic Lamp’ for Over a Quarter of a Million Dollars", "The getaway car was easy to spot, Oregon cops say. It had a sofa on top", "Omaha man, trying to make sure his gun was safe, shoots himself in the leg", "Helicopter Carrying Heart for a Transplant Crashed, Firefighters Found the Heart and Handed It to a Doctor Who Tripped and Dropped It", "‘Happiness doesn’t depend on marriage’: Brazilian man marries himself after fiancée breaks off engagement", & "French Bulldog Elected as Mayor of Kentucky Town"
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Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Election Night 2020 with Dougie Almeida & Jonathan Gregory
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Show Opens with Dougie & Jonathan discussing such things as; Much Ado About Nothing regarding Biden Tour Bus Incident, Surviving in Comedy in 2020 & Dealing with Haters, & in 2068, Earth May Get Hit by Asteroid Apophis...No Worries.
Make It Funny Stories
Woman Tries to Sneak a Gun Into Disney World, University's Name Causes them to Develop CUM Merchandise, Pro Boxer Gets His Lip Knocked Off, Pastor Pees on Woman During Commercial Flight & Looks for New Profession, A Pregnant Woman Stops to Vote While Heading to the Hospital to Give Birth, Man Tries to Sneak 2lbs of Gold in his Backside to Avoid Taxation.
Thanks For Listening

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Oct 27, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Jen Hellman, & Max Dolcelli
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Show Opens with Dougie & Jen welcoming special guest, Max Dolcelli. Listen in as Max shares some great stories about doing comedy in Florida in the 80s, working with Mitch Hedberg, & the great Otto & George. Plus Dougie tells us about his house hunting in the Carolinas, CNN Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin, gets caught pleasuring himself on Zoom, & much more.
"Make it Funny" Stories...
"Man stunned by 'very rare' two-headed shark: 'We have never seen anything like this before', "Woman Grows Hair In Her Mouth In Rare Case Of Gingival Hirsutism", "Biggest WW2 Bomb Found In Poland Explodes Underwater During Defusal Attempt", "Puppy with green fur born in Italy", & "Thirteen Australian Women Pulled Off a Plane to Have Their Genitals 'Invasively Examined' at Doha Airport"
Thanks For Listening

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Oct 13, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Greg Wilson & Lukas Seely
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on Today's Topics:
Bill Burr Gets Canceled after his SNL Monologue / Dax Prescott vs Joe Theisman Which one looked worse?/ 10 Things You May Not Have Known About Joe Theisman’s Broken Leg / What Happens to Your Body When You Don't Change Your Underwear
Words of the Day: "Necessity" & "Purpose"
"Make it Funny" with these stories...."Church burns altar where priest had sex with two women", "Man arrested for stuffing razor blades into consumers' pizza dough", "Protester says he knocked down Trump supporter, 72, in self-defense", "News Leak: NASA Is Testing New $23 Million Titanium Space Toilet", & "British Wildlife Park Removes 5 Cursing Parrots From Public View"
Thanks for Listening & Please Subscribe to our Youtube Channel & Like our Fan Page on Facebook

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Oct 6, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Mike Vecchione & Troy Bond
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on these Topics; RIP Eddie Van Halen, How long will Mike & Troy stay in NYC if things don't get better? Why would anyone sucker punch Rick Moranis? What would you name the next hurricane? & If you could Time Travel, would you go back to the past or into the future?
Word of the Day "Apodyopsis"
Make It Funny Stories
"Hypnotist sexually assaulted clients", "Herd of charging cows in England kill second man in month", "Woman arrested for using 6 children steal Trump campaign signs", "The New York town of Swastika votes to keep its name", ‘Drunk’ man has 13-year-old drive him to get ice cream, charged with endangering a child", "I tried the foreskin facial treatment – so you don't have to", & "Elderly woman (71) is the suspected getaway driver for burglar gang"
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