
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Jun 29, 2021 with Dougie Almeida, Sean Finnerty & Brandon Rainwater
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; Playing your part in the local comedy scene, Why should you never call a number on the bathroom wall? If you could have one extra body part, what would it be? & If you ruled the world, what would be the first thing you'd do?
The News is a Joke
"Massachusetts bar accepting Monopoly money for 2 hours", "Emergency crew rescues sex doll after mistaking it for drowning woman", "Australian Woman Who Woke Up From Surgery With Irish Accent May Be Stuck With It for Life", "Backlash over “We Rub You” Korean marinade", "Ringo Starr Drops Legal Battle Against ‘RingO’ Penis Rings", "Memphis police have reportedly arrested 2 customers who started a shooting in a Burger King because their chicken sandwich had too much hot sauce", & "Tokyo Olympics athletes warned not to use 160,000 free condoms"
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Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Jun 22, 2021 with Dougie Almeida, Steven Michael Quezada & Key Lewis
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; What keeps you up at night? Should parents hit their kids? & Much more.
The News is a Joke
"Ukraine’s inseparable couple ditches the handcuffs and parts ways", "Husband Arrested for Murder of Missing Colorado Woman Who Moved to U.S. for Love", "China's WeChat bans nose-picking, spanking in bid to clean up livestreams", "South Carolina court halts executions until firing squad is available", "Dozens of women sue Pornhub, alleging it published nonconsensual clips", "Florida man allegedly pulls a gun on Starbucks employee over botched order, but not on just any employee", & "42,000 pounds of missing pistachios leads to possible illegal pistachio operation"
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Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Jun 15, 2021 with Dougie Almeida, Bobby Collins & Steve Marshall
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Join Dougie as he welcomes fellow comedians, Bobby Collins & Steve Marshall. Great conversations about Comradery, Comedy, Tough Guys, Jewish Lasers, & Much More.
"The News is a Joke" Hear what these three have to say about, "Humans can procreate on Mars", "Massachusetts Lobster Diver claims he was swallowed by a whale", "Man with 39 wives & 94 children dies at 74", "Wife arrested after trying to hire hitman on layaway" & "Florida town accidently sells municipal water tower"
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Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Jun 7, 2021 with Dougie Almeida "The Rev" Bob Levy & Lou Angelwolf
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Show Opens with Dougie excited about his new studio in South Carolina. Then the guys discuss such topics as; F#&k Fauci, Favorite Car, Who was the hottest woman in history? Favorite Meal? & Much more!
The News is a Joke!
"South Florida woman rescued from storm drain rescued underground... once again", "Hong Kong parking space sells for $1.3M, sets new world record", "Bodybuilder who wed two sex dolls is now open to dating humans", "S.Korean designer creates 'Third Eye' for 'smartphone zombies', "A bride collapsed and died at her wedding. The groom then married the woman's sister with her dead body lying in the next room.", & "Italian Artist Sells Invisible Sculpture For €15,000"
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Wednesday May 12, 2021
May 11, 2021with Dougie Almeida, Eric Schwartz & Paul Conyers
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Show Opens with discussions on the following topics:
Elon Musk Kills it on SNL, Funny Memes of Bill & Melinda Gates Divorce, Huge Chinese Rocket falls to Earth & NASA is harder on China then Biden, Hackers hit Colonial Pipeline and gas lines plague the South East, Medina Spirit, Winner of the Kentucky Derby, fails Drug Test, & Job numbers out and seems people are sitting home enjoying their government pay check
The News is a Joke
"Customer beating man with gun at bar accidentally kills own relative", "Porn, alcohol were part of student sleepovers at lunch lady’s house", "NYC Spanish teacher in trouble for sucking companion’s nipple during Zoom class", "Woman says she caught boyfriend cheating when he accidentally sent video instead of photo", & 'Sperminator' who's close to fathering 100 children says 'don't focus on me'
Thanks For Listening!

Tuesday May 04, 2021
May 4, 2021Hosted by Dougie Almeida & Jen Hellman with Special Guest Harry Basil
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Dougie & Jen welcome Comedian, Writer, Actor & Comedy Club Owner Harry Basil! Harry shares great stories about comedy legends like, Andrew Dice Clay, Sam Kinison, & of course Rodney Dangerfiled!!
The News is a Joke
"A man was hospitalized after the porta-potty he was using at the historic Gettysburg battlefield was crushed by a tree", "Mystery Animal In Tree Turns Out To Be Croissant", "Man Arrested At Kid Rock’s Bar For Removing Colostomy Bag And Swinging It Around", "Elderly couple uses military Morse Code training to escape Tennessee assisted living facility", "McDonald's robber demands chicken nuggets, has to accept breakfast food because it was still too early", "Kid's Science Fair Project Answers the Eternal Question: "Do Cat Butts Really Touch All the Surfaces in Your Home?", & "Man throws coins into plane engine for ‘good luck’
Thanks For Listening!

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Apr 27, 2021 with Dougie Almeida, Myq Kaplan & Adam Hunter
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Show Opens with discussions on Today's Topics
Lebron James Tweets & Deletes, Who Signs Up to be a Pro Slap Fighter?" Dougie asks, "What is the biggest enemy of comedy? There's a chicken wing shortage & some families go to Hooters. & RIP Carl LaBove.
The News is a Joke!
"Man bowls a perfect game with ball containing his father's ashes.", "Michigan woman glues eye shut after mistaking nail glue for eye drops." "Groom goes to wrong wedding venue, nearly marries a stranger in Indonesia.", "Japanese man arrested after dating 35 women at the same time in bid to 'get birthday presents.', "When a woman tells friends and family her ex-husband was killed by the dog, they become suspicious."
Thanks For Listening

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Apr 13, 2021 with Dougie Almeida, Kevin Downey Jr. & Jeffrey Gurian
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Show Opens with discussions on the following; Jeffrey claims New York City is the worst he's ever seen. Dougie asks, "Would you rather be blessed with writing ability or the art of persuasion? Favored J & J vaccine falters. When you bomb on stage, how do you handle it? & Dougie asks, "What's your favorite snack"
The News is a Joke
"Woman Discovers Her Son's Bride is Her Long-Lost Daughter", "Southwest pilot accused of exposing his genitals during a flight from Philadelphia to Orlando.", "Married Woman Pays Professional Cuddler $80 An Hour To Hold Her", "LA woman arrested for keeping $1.2 million accidentally deposited into her account", "Wife Furious After Finding Husband Selling Healthy Lunch She Packed Everyday to Buy Fast Food", "Woman Gets Pregnant While Already Pregnant", "Filipino man dies after being forced to do 300 squats as punishment for breaking lockdown", "Get A Free Bag Of Marijuana With Your Covid-19 Vaccine", & "2 moms arrested for refusing to quarantine at a hotel after getting breast surgery"
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Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Apr 6, 2021 with Dougie Almeida, Thomas Rongen & Dave LaMont
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; How about that last second shot for Gonzaga! Dougie asks TR what his most memorable moment on the field. Is Major League Baseball shooting itself in the foot by moving the All Star Game? Thoughts on male transgenders in female sports. Which Sport has the greatest athletes? Which Pro Sports League has the worst officiating? & Is there anything worse in sports than the "Own Goal"
Sports News is a Joke
"Football: Referee yellow cards Kaka then takes selfie with Brazil legend", "US amateur football team Washington Square FC sponsored by Porn site RedTube", "Outrage as boat crossing halts cyclists on home straight Cyclist expertly urinates off bike mid-race]", "Boxing bout stopped after fighter's PHONE falls out of his trunks mid-fight", & "Football team 'still smiling' after losing 40-0 to local rivals"
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Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Mar 16, 2021 with Dougie Almeida, Tim Gaither & Tim Hanlon
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; Being bad with names, Knowing your audience, Mathew McConaughey considers running for governor in Texas, Some people are UN-Cancel able, & Please, no more award shows!
The News is a Joke!
"Florida man pulls out ‘Dank Gummies’ instead of ID after nearly hitting gas pump", "‘I love people’: 91-year-old police officer still patrolling in Arkansas with no plans to retire", "Texas man drove BMW dealership loaner car to rob bank, tried to use stolen money to buy BMW", "Teacher convicted of pouring liquid nitrogen on student’s groin, Illinois officials say", "HS Basketball Announcer Blames N-Word Comments On Diabetes ... 'I Am So Sorry', & "Airline passenger faces federal charge with a possible $250,000 fine for refusing to wear mask, urinating in cabin"
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