
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Jan 22, 2020 with Dougie Almeida & Aaron Berg
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Show Opens with Dougie calling Aaron, "The Modern Day Don Rickles", Then Aaron talks Dougie out of moving to New York for comedy. In a comedy related story, Eddie Murphy Says Rodney Dangerfield Gave Him The Worst Comedy Advice...
In Straight From the Headlines
"National Weather Service warns of falling iguanas in Miami", "US Navy dropping live bombs in middle of Florida", "'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship attended by Trump", & "Man accidentally buys identical Powerball tickets, wins twice"
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Monday Jan 20, 2020
Jan 20, 2020 with Dougie Almeida & Thomas Rongen
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Show Opens with Dougie welcoming Soccer Great, Thomas Rongen, to Danger Studios. Listen in as Thomas remembers coaching Dougie in college, then Thomas shares some stories about Johan Cruyff, the fall of the NASL, Coaching the US National Team & MLS teams, meeting the Kennedy's, & the soon to be released movie about him & the American Samoa's National Soccer Team.
Thanks for Listening

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Jan 14, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Jay Guy, & Brett Morris
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; Dougie's "K" key on his laptop is sticking, Prince Harry & his wife decide to leave the Royal Family & the guys wonder what jobs he'll start doing, & aside from his hair, Davie Lee Roth has seems to have lost his voice.
Straight From the Headlines
"Gwyneth Paltrow's selling a £57 candle that 'smells like my vagina', "The Subaru Forester Ultimate Customized Kit Special edition is a delightful nod to immaturity", "Ex-Mrs. Florida headed to prison for stealing mom’s checks", & "Recreational marijuana vote won’t make Florida ballot this year, report says"
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Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Jan 7, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Danny "The Jew" & Brian Offenhter
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
The New Year has brought on a new temperament of the show. Listen in as Dougie & Danny welcome international DJ, Brian Offenther, to Danger Studios. Show starts off on track, but over a 2 hour period, it escalates into mayhem. Please listen to show when you have 2 hours to spare. Politics, Philosophy, and even Chinese snacks & Hard Liquor, are experienced on today's show
Thanks for Listening

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
New Year's Day Show 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Happy New Year Everyone!! We celebrated today, by having the entire crew in for a special 2 hour show. Dougie Almeida, Minda, Randy Vega, Jay Guy, Mike Cintron, Jen Hellman, Jackie Sanchez, Brett Morris
Listen, Enjoy, & Happy New Year!

Friday Dec 27, 2019
Dec 26, 2019 with Dougie Almeida, Mike Cintron, & Josh Randall
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Show Opens with discussions on; WTF are the 12 Days of Christmas? Mike Secret Santa was a No Show!, Josh loved wearing custom belt buckles, & the guys prepare for 2020 New Years Resolutions.
Straight From the Headlines
"Bank robber throws stolen money in the street, yells ‘Merry Christmas!’, "At least 11 people have died in the Philippines after drinking coconut wine", "Wisconsin town to rethink ordinance that bans throwing snowballs", "Thousands of 10-inch 'penis fish' wash up on Californian beach", "'Homosexual face': Brazil's Bolsonaro lashes out at press", "Iowa woman admits she hit 14-year-old with SUV because the girl 'is Mexican', "The weirdest and most bizarre crime stories of 2019", & "Student opens Museum of Hangovers in Croatia"
Thanks for Listening

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Dec 17, 2019 with Dougie Almeida, Jay Guy, & Brett Morris
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Show Opens with discussions on; AGT Auditions, Putting Up Christmas Decoration, Favorite Christmas Gift Ever, & What's Up with the OK Sign?
In Straight From the Headlines
"New York man eats Art Basel banana that sold for $120G", "UK woman organized 'medieval duel' to the death between husband, lover to win her affection", "San Fran man defecates in grocery store aisle", "Utah man was in freezer 10 years before discovery, left notarized letter behind", "Car explodes after driver sprays 'excessive' amount of air freshener before lighting cigarette", "New York soccer coach under fire for taking team to Hooters after losing game", & "Cheesed-off neighbor kicks up stink in Alpine village"
Thanks For Listening

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Dec 10, 2019 with Dougie Almeida, Jen Hellman, & Minda
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Today, Dougie finds himself in the middle of a threesome, with Jen Hellmann & Minda!! Nothing sexual of course, but the Show Opens with discussions on such things as; Jen gets some heat on social media, for her choice of words, “Infestation”, Nurture vs Enable, Jen makes a election prediction for 2020, & Why do so may Millennial's feel so Entitled?
Straight From the Headlines
"Christmas sweater with Santa and cocaine forces Walmart to apologize", "Man wearing reindeer slippers tips woman out of wheelchair on train as he tries to steal it", "Passenger stung by scorpion which fell out of her trousers during United Airlines flight", "Female Reporter Calls Out Runner Who Groped Her While She Was on TV", "Kansas City Chiefs narrowly avoid forfeit after equipment sent to New Jersey instead of Massachusetts" & "Arizona man registers bees as emotional support animals"
Thanks For Listening

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Dec 3, 2019 with Dougie Almeida, Pam Bruno & Robb Kalert
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; Pam & Robb's comedy tour "In Small Doses" @ WPB Improv 12/4, Who & how do you select comics for your tour? & Hugs from folks with BO, & much more.
Straight From the Headlines
"83-year-old ‘Tinder Granny’ ready for love after decades of one-night stands", "Florida man accused of benefiting over $225K off dead mom", "Japanese man, 71, arrested for calling phone company 24,000 times to complain", "Japan store to replace staff 'period badges' after uproar", "Kansas man caught driving stolen SUV on way to bail out brother – who was arrested in stolen SUV", & "Washington movie theater evacuated after 'highly contagious' package of urine sent to wrong address"
Thanks for Listening

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Nov 26, 2019 with Dougie Almeida, Jay Guy, & Ahlaynah
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Show Opens with Dougie's return from New York City. His Air B&B experience, his interactions with the local deli, & some highlights from the trip, like performing at The Stand & Gotham Comedy Club, & Hosting Greenwich Village & screwing up everyone's names. Gabrielle Union will not be returning to AGT & thinks she knows why & Grandfather who dropped child off Cruise Ship, is being charged with Murder!
In Straight From the Headlines
"Japan ban on women wearing glasses sparks backlash", "Amazon removes inappropriate kid's t-shirt from website", "The 'Charlie's Angels' Director Blames it Tanking on Men Not Wanting to Watch a Movie Starring Women", "Arizona man charge with robbery for burrito heist: police", "ChickTok: Indonesian kids given pets to wean them off smartphones", & "Rude awakening for dad-of-five who bought X-rated number plates while drunk"
Thanks for Listening