
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Sep 29, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Joey Medina, & Erik Knowles
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on these Topics
Big Debate Tonight / Who would win in a real fight Trump or Biden?
From Epidemiologist to Tax Law specialist in just 3 months
Keep it Civil Facebook
Advice to Comics on how to deal with this pandemic
Word of the Day...."Anhedonia"
"Make It Funny" with these stories...
"Science Says Watching Movies with Your Partner Is Good for Your Relationship—If You Do This *One* Thing", "Man lists himself for sale on Facebook in bid to find a girlfriend after being single for 11 years", "South Carolina TV anchor hit man with beer bottle in fight over politics", "Gang of ‘Trump raccoons' attack journalists working at White House", "Oregon woman disputes Wells Fargo claim she’s dead: ‘It’s not funny’, & "Neighbor calls 911 when Florida hockey fans yell, ‘Shoot! Shoot!’
Thanks For Listening & Please Like our Fan Page on Facebook

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Sep 22, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Brian Scolaro & Steve Marshall
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Show Opens with some technical difficulties. Dougie's mic wasn't working, so Brian & Steve took over the show for the first 10 or so minutes. Must Here! Eventually, the guys discuss such things as; The Process of Decision Making, Climate Migration, & Unprofessional Comedy Rooms.
Make it Funny!
Listen in as the guys have fun with these stories; "Watch: Florida city's new 'welcome' sign erected in the wrong city", "Boat full of migrants lands on nudist beach – and naked sunbathers offer them hot drinks", "More than 200 half-naked inmates escape jail in Uganda", "Massive Semen Explosion after Blaze Hits Bull Artificial Insemination Facility, Firefighters Forced to Dodge 'Projectiles', "Man shoots doctor after ejaculating during prostate exam", & "Brain wrapped in aluminum foil washes ashore on Wisconsin beach"
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Sep 15, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Jimmy Della Valle & Brian Glowacki
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Show Opens with Topics of the Day
Netflix New Show “Cuties” Receives Strong Backlash.
Netflix “Social Dilemma”
Halloween is Canceled!!
Paint Gun Wars & Attacks!
Gender Reveal Party Starts California Wildfires
Fans Boo Moment of Silence at NFL Game Between KC & Texas
Word of the Day "Cavil"
"Make it Funny" Headlines to Laugh About
"Topless Tennessee woman charged with public intoxication after chewing on miniature horse’s mane", "'My only addiction is women': Four-times married El Chapo reveals he fathered TWENTY-THREE children", "Deputy finds reported alligator in storage shed was 'pool floatie', "Artist selling ‘Karen’ Halloween masks, calls them ‘scariest thing you can be’, & "You can now rent the Wiener-mobile for free to propose to your love"
Thanks for Listening & Join our Fan Page of Facebook to catch our show LIVE Weekly Tues at 8pm www.facebook.com/dougiedangerous/

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Sep 9, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Jen Hellman, Aaron Berg, & Chris Cope
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Show Opens with Dougie giving his review of the Popeye's Chicken Sandwich, Then....Antifa member lights himself on fire, Unfortunately, we lose Chris's internet connection & Jen Joins the show, "Dancing with the Stars" announce this year's lineup, Jessica Krug, the associate professor of African American history admitted she has been pretending to be Black for her entire career, Would you take the Covid-19 vaccine? & Tennis Pro, Novak Djokovic , nails a line judge in the throat with a tennis ball.
Word of the Day "Gorgonize"
"Make Em Laugh" Stories
"Woman Sentenced To Jail After She Glued Her Vagina To Frame Ex-boyfriend", "A Woman Called the Cops Because She Thought Store-Bought Meat Was a Penis", "Stressed elephants at Warsaw zoo to be given medical marijuana", "Beach-goer finds 78 lbs. of cocaine washed up on Florida beach", & "Man blows up part of house while chasing fly"
Thanks For Listening & Please Subscribe to us on Youtube & Join our Fan Page on Facebook!

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Aug 25, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Vince Cecere & Dustin Chafin
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; Will New York City & LA Survive?, PREPARE FOR WORLD OF LAWLESSNESS, KFC Drops “Finger Licking Good” Slogan after 64 Years, “What Should Replace It?", Jerry Falwell Jr, Cuckled His Wife with a Pool Boy & Truck Size Asteroid May Hit Day Before the Election.
Word of the Day "Cuckle"
Joke Write Headlines
"Man punches great white shark to save wife: 'You just react', "Berlin brothels reopen after lockdown, but no sex allowed", "Husband discovers wife's affair after spotting her in the act on Google Maps", "30-year-old stash of beer and gum found in library's mystery section", "California city hunting aggressive turkey that forced park closure", & "Danbury, Connecticut names sewage plant after John Oliver"
Thanks for Listening & Please Like our Facebook Fan Page www.facebook.com/dougiedangerous Where you can watch our show LIVE Weekly on Tues 8pm est

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Aug 18, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Jenn Hellman & Tom Dreesen
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Dougie & Jenn welcome Comedy Icon, Tom Dreesen to Danger Studios! Listen in as Tom shares stories from his illustrious career, working with such greats at Sammy Davis Jr, Johnny Carson, Robin Williams, Andy Kaufman & of course, "The Boss" Frank Sinatra!

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Aug 4, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Bob Levy & Alex Elkin
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on such things as; HUGE Explosion in Beirut today, Boston Bomber Won’t Get the Death Penalty, So What Alternative Would You Suggest? Trump Bans Tick Tock, How Do You Feel About China? Tom Hanks Becomes a Citizen of Greece. Is He a Pedophile, Trying to Avoid Extradition? Bryan Callen Accused of Sexual Assault. & Anyone Get Seeds From China In Their Mail?
Joke Write Stories
"Vermont farmer returns prosthetic leg that skydiver lost during jump", "Woman Arouses The Internet By Accidentally Buying Phallic Cutting Board", "A Man Who Lost His Penis Now Has a New One Growing On His Arm", & "Drugs plane bound for Australia was so packed with cocaine it was too heavy to take off, police say"
Thanks For Listening & Go To Our Facebook Fan Page to Watch This Show on Video!

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
July 28,2020 with Dougie Almeida, Dave LaMont & Phil Kopczynski
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on; Will Major League Baseball make it this year? Should kids go back to school? & the guys share their thoughts on Congressman Ted Yoho, allegedly calling AOC a F*#King Bitch.
Word of the Day "EQUANIMITY"
& Our Stories for "Joke Write"
"Couple banned by Walmart after wearing Nazi flag face masks at Marshall, Minnesota store", "Filipino President Duterte suggests disinfecting masks with gasoline, quickly corrected", "Police responding to lose panther report find stuffed toy", "Cash-obsessed kitten twice attempts to steal money from bar", "In Sweden, female priests now outnumber male ones" & "Florida Man Receives $3.9 Million in COVID-19 Relief Funds, Buys a Lamborghini and Gets Arrested for Fraud"
Thanks for Listening & Please Go To our Facebook Fan Page to watch our show LIVE Tues 8pm est

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
July 14, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Joseph Donofrio & Dave Siegel
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on: WILL COMEDY SURVIVE COVID, WILL PRO SPORTS SURVIVE COVID & RACIAL DIVIDE?,Boycotts / Goya & Five Guys, & In lieu of Jada Pinkett Cheating on Will Smith, What is your worst cheating story, either the cheater or the cheated.
Word of the Day: ENTANGLEMENT
Then It's Time for "Joke Write" Today's guest compete to write the best joke using these stories from the headlines:
"Man stacks 485 Jenga blocks in Guinness record-breaking tower", "Martial artist completes 152 knee strikes wearing 11-pound weight", "Jacket loaned to friend with $75,000 winning lotto ticket in pocket", "Cat rescued after two weeks with head stuck in plastic jar" & "Naked Cowboy chased off by NYC protesters who say he was 'antagonizing' at City Hall"
Thanks for Listening

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Jul 7, 2020 with Dougie Almeida, Monique Marvez & Richie Redding
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Show Opens with discussions on...Kanye West announces he's running for President...Reopening of Schools....& What will happen with the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell
Word of the Day "Perseverance"
Monique & Richie write jokes from these stories...
"Giant wave sweeps newlyweds into the ocean during photo shoot", "Exotic bird that escaped from New York state zoo found in residential yard", "Boys magnet fishing in Finland lake find rusty hand grenade", "Disoriented horse rescued more than a mile offshore", & "Dutch ID cards will soon omit gender, says minister"
Thanks For Listening